


  1. improvised explosive device: a homemade or makeshift bomb:

    car bombs and other IEDs.


abbreviation for

  1. improvised explosive device

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Example Sentences

Eighteen years old, and got hit with an IED his first month there.

When we lost another officer to an IED late in the deployment, we shrugged our shoulders.

Darryn had been traveling in a motorized patrol when the lead vehicle was hit by an IED.

On August 18, an IED killed Private First Class Morris Walker and Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen during a reconnaissance mission.

When a soldier is hit by an IED the gauge records the event.

Penn′ied, possessed of a penny; Penn′iless, without a penny: without money: poor.

Pott′le-bod′ied, having a body shaped like a pottle; Pott′le-deep, to the bottom of the tankard.

Soft′-bod′ied, having a soft body; Soft′-con′scienced, having a sensitive conscience.

You'll be pleased to know, Buck, that my Curly is engaged to be mar'ied to this du Chesnay colt.

Then he mar'ied a widow by mistake, which she had a forked tongue, a bad eye, and parted her ha'r on one side lookin' rather cute.



