
[ buhk-uhl ]
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  1. a clasp consisting of a rectangular or curved rim with one or more movable tongues, fixed to one end of a belt or strap, used for fastening to the other end of the same strap or to another strap.

  2. any similar contrivance used for such purposes.

  1. an ornament of metal, beads, etc., of similar appearance.

  2. a bend, bulge, or kink, as in a board or saw blade.

verb (used with object),buck·led, buck·ling.
  1. to fasten with a buckle or buckles: Buckle your seat belt.

  2. to shrivel, by applying heat or pressure; bend; curl.

  1. to prepare (oneself) for action; apply (oneself) vigorously to something.

  2. to bend, warp, or cause to give way suddenly, as with heat or pressure.

verb (used without object),buck·led, buck·ling.
  1. to close or fasten with a buckle: Grandmother always wore shoes that buckled.

  2. to prepare oneself or apply oneself: The student buckled to the lesson.

  1. to bend, warp, bulge, or collapse: The bridge buckled in the storm.

  2. to yield, surrender, or give way to another (often followed by under): She refused to take the medicine, but buckled under when the doctor told her to.

Verb Phrases
  1. buckle down, to set to work with vigor; concentrate on one's work: He was by nature a daydreamer and found it hard to buckle down.

  2. buckle up, to fasten one's belt, seat belt, or buckles: She won't start the car until we've all buckled up.

Origin of buckle

1300–50; Middle English bocle<Anglo-French bo(u)cle, bucle<Latin buc(c)ula cheekpiece (of a helmet), strip of wood, etc., resembling a cheekpiece, equivalent to bucc(a) cheek + -ula-ule

Other words for buckle

Other words from buckle

  • buck·le·less, adjective
  • re·buck·le, verb, re·buck·led, re·buck·ling.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use buckle in a sentence

  • Buckles were first worn as shoe fastenings in the reign of Charles II.

    Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham | Thomas T. Harman and Walter Showell
  • It was much used a hundred years ago, in the manufacture of buckles.

    Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham | Thomas T. Harman and Walter Showell
  • I had gone to Williamsburg when turning sixteen, and soon learned to love and wear gold and silver buckles on a pewter income.

    A Virginia Scout | Hugh Pendexter
  • Have you had much practice in holding a whole horse up while the others fasten the buckles?

  • His knee-breeches were of the finest gray linen, with gray satin bows and silver buckles at the knee bands.

    Maid Sally | Harriet A. Cheever

British Dictionary definitions for buckle


/ (ˈbʌkəl) /

  1. a clasp for fastening together two loose ends, esp of a belt or strap, usually consisting of a frame with an attached movable prong

  2. an ornamental representation of a buckle, as on a shoe

  1. a kink, bulge, or other distortion: a buckle in a railway track

  1. to fasten or be fastened with a buckle

  2. to bend or cause to bend out of shape, esp as a result of pressure or heat

Origin of buckle

C14: from Old French bocle, from Latin buccula a little cheek, hence, cheek strap of a helmet, from bucca cheek

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012