
[ sen-ter ]

noun, verb,cen·tred, cen·tring.Chiefly British.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use centre in a sentence

  • But the immediate interest centres in the fateful attempt to relieve the castle of Stirling.

    King Robert the Bruce | A. F. Murison

British Dictionary definitions for centre (1 of 2)


US center

/ (ˈsɛntə) /

  1. geometry

    • the midpoint of any line or figure, esp the point within a circle or sphere that is equidistant from any point on the circumference or surface

    • the point within a body through which a specified force may be considered to act, such as the centre of gravity

  2. the point, axis, or pivot about which a body rotates

  1. a point, area, or part that is approximately in the middle of a larger area or volume

  2. a place at which some specified activity is concentrated: a shopping centre

  3. a person or thing that is a focus of interest

  4. a place of activity or influence: a centre of power

  5. a person, group, policy, or thing in the middle

  6. (usually capital) politics

    • a political party or group favouring moderation, esp the moderate members of a legislative assembly

    • (as modifier): a Centre-Left alliance

  7. physiol any part of the central nervous system that regulates a specific function: respiratory centre

  8. a bar with a conical point upon which a workpiece or part may be turned or ground

  9. a punch mark or small conical hole in a part to be drilled, which enables the point of the drill to be located accurately

  10. sport

    • a player who plays in the middle of the forward line

    • the act or an instance of passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field, court, etc

  11. basketball

    • the position of a player who jumps for the ball at the start of play

    • the player in this position

  12. archery

    • the ring around the bull's eye

    • a shot that hits this ring

  1. to move towards, mark, put, or be at a centre

  2. (tr) to focus or bring together: to centre one's thoughts

  1. (intr often foll by on) to have as a main point of view or theme: the novel centred on crime

  2. (tr) to adjust or locate (a workpiece or part) using a centre

  3. (intr; foll by on or round) to have as a centre

  4. (tr) sport to pass (the ball) into the middle of the field or court

Origin of centre

C14: from Latin centrum the stationary point of a compass, from Greek kentron needle, from kentein to prick

British Dictionary definitions for Centre (2 of 2)


  1. the Centre (ˈsɛntə) the sparsely inhabited central region of Australia

  2. (French sɑ̃trə) a region of central France: generally low-lying; drained chiefly by the Rivers Loire, Loir, and Cher

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