
[ kawr-uh-koid, kor- ]

  1. pertaining to the bone that in reptiles, birds, and monotremes articulates with the scapula and the sternum and that in humans and other higher mammals is a reduced bony process of the scapula having no connection with the sternum.

  1. a coracoid bone or process.

Origin of coracoid

1700–10; <New Latin coracoīdēs<Greek korakoeidḗs ravenlike, hooked like a raven's beak, equivalent to korak- (stem of kórax) raven + -oeidēs-oid

Other words from coracoid

  • in·ter·cor·a·coid, adjective
  • pre·cor·a·coid, adjective
  • sub·cor·a·coid, adjective

Words Nearby coracoid Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use coracoid in a sentence

  • But there is no teleological reason why the coracoid process of the scapula should in all mammals develop from a separate centre.

    Form and Function | E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
  • The scapula (with supra-scapula) is the pleurapophysis, the coracoid the hæmapophysis, of the occipital vertebra.

    Form and Function | E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
  • In the pelvic girdle the ilium corresponds to the scapula, the ischium to the coracoid, the pubis to the clavicle.

    Form and Function | E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
  • It may include three bones on each side named coracoid, precoracoid, and scapula.

    Dragons of the Air | H. G. Seeley
  • Chameleons have the blade of the scapula long and slender, but the coracoid is always as broad as it is long.

    Dragons of the Air | H. G. Seeley

British Dictionary definitions for coracoid


/ (ˈkɒrəˌkɔɪd) /

  1. a paired ventral bone of the pectoral girdle in vertebrates. In mammals it is reduced to a peg (the coracoid process) on the scapula

Origin of coracoid

C18: from New Latin coracoīdēs, from Greek korakoeidēs like a raven, curved like a raven's beak, from korax raven

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