fairy tale

[ fair-ee teyl ]
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nounSometimes fair·y sto·ry [fair-ee stawr-ee] /ˈfɛər i ˌstɔr i/ .
  1. a story, usually for children, about elves, hobgoblins, dragons, fairies, or other magical creatures.

  2. an incredible or misleading statement, account, or belief: His story of being a millionaire is just a fairy tale.

adjectivefair·y-tale .
  1. of, relating to, or suggesting a fairy tale: a fairy-tale castle.

  2. idealized or romantic, often to an unrealistic extent: Many people still want to believe in true love and fairy-tale endings.

Origin of fairy tale

First recorded in 1740–50

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use fairy tale in a sentence

  • Because this is a masculine world, the author of this fairytale is usually identified as the wife of Poul Anderson.

    The Piebald Hippogriff | Karen Anderson
  • Let fairytale of mine go for a firefly that now flashes, now is dark, but may flash again.

    A Dish Of Orts | George MacDonald
  • Nature is mood-engendering, thought-provoking: such ought the sonata, such ought the fairytale to be.

    A Dish Of Orts | George MacDonald
  • We always consider life as a fairytale, in which every good action must be rewarded by a visible wonder.

  • What one can see through the wide-open veranda is very pretty; I will admit that it resembles the landscape of a fairytale.

British Dictionary definitions for fairy tale (1 of 2)

fairy tale

  1. a story about fairies or other mythical or magical beings, esp one of traditional origin told to children

  2. a highly improbable account

British Dictionary definitions for fairy-tale (2 of 2)


  1. of or relating to a fairy tale

  2. resembling a fairy tale, esp in being extremely happy or fortunate: a true story with a fairy-tale ending

  1. highly improbable: he came out with a fairy-tale account of his achievements

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