
[ grahym ]
See synonyms for grime on
  1. dirt, soot, or other filthy matter, especially adhering to or embedded in a surface.

  2. a style of music influenced by rap, ragga, etc., and characterized by lyrics and imagery that reference the dark side of urban life.

verb (used with object),grimed, grim·ing.
  1. to cover with dirt; make very dirty; soil.

Origin of grime

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English grim; apparently special use of Old English grīma “mask,” to denote layer of dust; compare dialectal Dutch grijm

Other words from grime

  • un·grimed, adjective

Words Nearby grime Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use grime in a sentence

  • Inly wondering why any one should wish to conceal such a trifle, I drew it forth, rubbing the grime and dust from it as I did so.

  • The students brought candles by which to study until it became light, and the roof was soon black with the grime and smoke.

    The Private Life of the Romans | Harold Whetstone Johnston
  • They presented an uncouth spectacle bedraggled as they were with grime and dirty water.

    Spacewrecked on Venus | Neil R. Jones
  • A cinder stung her face, and when she lifted her hand to the spot, she saw that her glove was black with grime.

  • But he was covered with grime and dust and his clothing was torn and streaked with blood.

    The Secret Witness | George Gibbs

British Dictionary definitions for grime


/ (ɡraɪm) /

  1. dirt, soot, or filth, esp when thickly accumulated or ingrained

  2. a genre of music originating in the East End of London and combining elements of garage, hip-hop, rap, and jungle

  1. (tr) to make dirty or coat with filth

Origin of grime

C15: from Middle Dutch grime; compare Flemish grijm, Old English grīma mask

Derived forms of grime

  • grimy, adjective
  • griminess, noun

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