
[ hi-lair-ee-uhs ]

  1. Saint, died a.d. 468, pope 461–468.

  • Also Hil·a·rus [hil-er-uhs], /ˈhɪl ər əs/, Hilary.

Words Nearby Hilarius

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Hilarius in a sentence

  • Her life abroad has been described in verse by Hilarius ( c. 1124) who is the earliest known Englishman who wrote religious plays.

    Woman under Monasticism | Lina Eckenstein
  • At last, something restored by the much-needed food, Hilarius looked round the hall.

  • A sight for gods, but not for monks; above all, not for untutored novices such as Hilarius.

  • It was Hilarius, and he sang the Alma Redemptoris as he sped along the green grass which bordered the highway.

  • He stopped when he came up with Hilarius, and turned his sightless eyes on him; a fire burnt in the dead ashes.