
[ hahy-puh-thet-i-kuhl ]
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adjectiveAlso hy·po·thet·ic [hahy-puh-thet-ik] /ˌhaɪ pəˈθɛt ɪk/
  1. assumed or entertained as a theoretical possibility, invented example, premise for argument’s sake, etc.; supposed: In the hypothetical case that you miss your flight or it is delayed, you will need a contingency plan.

  2. relating to or characterized by the use of assumptions for argument’s sake or of provisional, informed conjectures to guide investigation: Science depends on hypothetical reasoning.

  1. Logic.

    • (of a proposition) highly conjectural; not well supported by available evidence.

    • (of a proposition or syllogism) conditional (def. 3).

  2. tending to resort to theoretical assumptions, conditional propositions, invented examples, etc., especially unrealistic ones; speculative: His stuff is fun to read, but he’s so hypothetical I can’t take him seriously.Stop the worry spiral in your mind before your thoughts become too hypothetical.

  1. a hypothetical situation, instance, etc.: The Secretary of Defense refused to discuss hypotheticals with the reporters.

Origin of hypothetical

First recorded in 1580–90; from Greek hypothetik(ós) “supposed” (hypo- hypo- + the- “placed, put,” base of tithénai “to place, put, set”) + -tikos -tic) + -al1

Other words for hypothetical

Other words from hypothetical

  • hy·po·thet·i·cal·ly, adverb
  • un·hy·po·thet·i·cal, adjective

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use hypothetical in a sentence

  • An improved and enlarged edition of this hypothetic "Progonotaxis hominis" was published in 1908, in my essay Unsere Ahnenreihe.

  • He was acting on hypothetic grounds, but this was the sort of action that had the keenest interest for his diplomatic mind.

    Romola | George Eliot
  • It is here that the relation of the hypothetic transformistic principle to our concept of entelechy is concerned.

  • The brown eyes blazed on him with the anger meant for his hypothetic slanderer.

    Ambrotox and Limping Dick | Oliver Fleming
  • When disproved, it is shown to have been a false supposition; when proved, it is no longer hypothetic.

British Dictionary definitions for hypothetical



/ (ˌhaɪpəˈθɛtɪkəl) /

  1. having the nature of a hypothesis

  2. assumed or thought to exist

  1. logic another word for conditional (def. 4)

  2. existing only as an idea or concept: a time machine is a hypothetical device

Derived forms of hypothetical

  • hypothetically, adverb

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012