
[ noun, verb ahy-tuhm; adverb ahy-tem ]
See synonyms for item on
  1. a separate article or particular: 50 items on the list.

  2. a separate piece of information or news, as a short piece in a newspaper or broadcast.

  1. Slang. something suitable for a news paragraph or as a topic of gossip, especially something that is sensational or scandalous: The bandleader and the new female singer are an item.

  2. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter I.

  3. an admonition or warning.

  4. Older Use. an intimation or hint.

  1. also; likewise (used especially to introduce each article or statement in a list or series).

verb (used with object)Archaic.
  1. to set down or enter as an item, or by or in items.

  2. to make a note of.

Origin of item

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English: “likewise” (adverb), “the same” (noun), from Latin: “likewise”

Other words for item

Other words from item

  • sub·i·tem, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use item in a sentence

  • The percentage of reserves to deposits, which marks the safety line for England, refers to the items in the banking department.

    Readings in Money and Banking | Chester Arthur Phillips
  • A few notes will serve to illustrate the chief subjects for care and some important items in fitting instruments properly.

  • Her testimony diametrically opposes several 119 items which McCracken has written into the unsigned testament of the deceased.

  • Two other items, however, showed a tendency to increase—the expenses connected with his sons, especially Richard.

    Skipper Worse | Alexander Lange Kielland
  • A Natch often costs several thousand rupees, and is one of the most costly items in the expenditure of the rich.

British Dictionary definitions for item


  1. a thing or unit, esp included in a list or collection

  2. accounting an entry in an account

  1. a piece of information, detail, or note: a news item

  2. informal two people having a romantic or sexual relationship

  1. (tr) an archaic word for itemize

  1. likewise; also

Origin of item

C14 (adv) from Latin: in like manner

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