
[ ee-zah-nah-gee ]

  1. the Japanese god who fathered the islands and gods of Japan by a union with his sister Izanami.

Words Nearby Izanagi

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Izanagi in a sentence

  • Izanagi knelt on the ground, bitterly weeping and lamenting.

    Myths & Legends of Japan | F. Hadland (Frederick Hadland) Davis
  • After the birth of these deities, Izanagi longed to see again his sister and spouse, and went to seek her in the underworld.

    The Shinto Cult | Milton Spenser Terry
  • The seven divine generations are "born," but do nothing except that they give Izanagi and Izanami a jewelled spear.

    The Religions of Japan | William Elliot Griffis
  • Izanagi sat upon a stone at the entrance of the Palace of Hades until the sun set, and he was weary of that valley of gloom.

    Japanese Fairy Tales | Grace James
  • And His Augustness Izanagi wept aloud, dropping his tears upon her feet and upon her pillow.

    Japanese Fairy Tales | Grace James