
[ jel-ee ]
See synonyms for jelly on
noun,plural jel·lies.
  1. a food preparation of a soft, elastic consistency due to the presence of gelatin, pectin, etc., especially fruit juice boiled down with sugar and used as a sweet spread for bread and toast, as a filling for cakes or doughnuts, etc.

  2. any substance having the consistency of jelly.

  1. Chiefly British. a fruit-flavored gelatin dessert.

  2. a plastic sandal or shoe.

verb (used with or without object),jel·lied, jel·ly·ing.
  1. to bring or come to the consistency of jelly.

  1. containing or made, spread, or topped with jelly or syrup; jellied: jelly apples.

Origin of jelly

1350–1400; Middle English gely<Old French gelee frozen jelly <Medieval Latin gelāta frozen, equivalent to Latin gel- freeze + -āta-ate1; cf. gel, cold

Other words from jelly

  • jel·ly·like, adjective

Words Nearby jelly Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use jelly in a sentence

  • When the machinery had been stopped, it was found that Mr. Jones's arms and legs were macerated to a jelly.

  • Treated with hydrochloric acid, diluted with ten times its weight of water, it swells up into a jelly-like mass.

  • I wanted you to make calls with me and to help me with the currant jelly and to put those button-holes into my linen wrapper.

    Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline | Jennie M. Drinkwater
  • I learned how to make jelly from her old colored mammie, and heaps of things beside.

    Those Dale Girls | Frank Weston Carruth
  • I took that jelly to a crotchety old patient of mine who is boarding, and reviles all the jelly his nurse buys for him.

    Those Dale Girls | Frank Weston Carruth

British Dictionary definitions for jelly (1 of 2)


/ (ˈdʒɛlɪ) /

nounplural -lies
  1. a fruit-flavoured clear dessert set with gelatine: US and Canadian trademark: Jell-o

  2. a preserve made from the juice of fruit boiled with sugar and used as jam

  1. a savoury food preparation set with gelatine or with a strong gelatinous stock and having a soft elastic consistency: calf's-foot jelly

  2. anything having the consistency of jelly

  3. informal a coloured gelatine filter that can be fitted in front of a stage or studio light

verb-lies, -lying or -lied
  1. to jellify

Origin of jelly

C14: from Old French gelee frost, jelly, from geler to set hard, from Latin gelāre, from gelu frost

Derived forms of jelly

  • jelly-like, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for jelly (2 of 2)


/ (ˈdʒɛlɪ) /

  1. British a slang name for gelignite

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