
[ lee-vahy, ley-vee; for 5 also lee-vee ]

  1. a son of Jacob and Leah. Genesis 29:34.

  2. one of the 12 tribes of Israel, traditionally descended from him.

  1. original name of Matthew (def. 1).

  2. a Levite.

  3. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “a joining.”

Words Nearby Levi

Other definitions for Levi (2 of 2)

[ le-vee ]

  1. Car·lo [kahr-law], /ˈkɑr lɔ/, 1902–75, Italian painter and writer.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Levi in a sentence

  • “Wait a minute 'ere,” said Mr. Levi, and he went into the room beyond this, where she knew there were writing materials.

    Checkmate | Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • Each evening Mr. Levi was in attendance, and this day, according to rule, she went down to the grand old dining-room.

    Checkmate | Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • Mr. Levi enters almost beside him; how white his big eyeballs gleam, as he steps in under the same cold light!

    Checkmate | Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • As an instance of explicit references made to the duty, we may advert to the blessing of Moses on the tribe of Levi.

  • Simeon and Levi were the most active in seeking to compass the death of Joseph, and a curse was sent upon them.

British Dictionary definitions for Levi (1 of 3)


/ (ˈliːvaɪ) /

  1. Old Testament

    • the third son of Jacob and Leah and the ancestor of the tribe of Levi (Genesis 29:34)

    • the priestly tribe descended from this patriarch (Numbers 18:21–24)

  2. New Testament another name for Matthew the apostle

British Dictionary definitions for Levi (2 of 3)


/ (Italian ˈlɛːvi) /

  1. Carlo. 1902–75, Italian physician, painter, and writer. Best known for his novel Christ Stopped at Eboli (1947), his other works include The Watch (1952) and Words are Stones (1958)

  2. Primo (ˈpriːməʊ). 1919–87, Italian novelist. His book If This is a Man (1947) relates his experiences in Auschwitz. Other books include The Periodic Table (1956) and The Drowned and the Saved (1988), published after his suicide

British Dictionary definitions for Levi (3 of 3)


Levite (ˈliːvaɪt)

/ (ˈliːvaɪ, Hebrew ˈlevi) /

  1. Judaism a descendant of the tribe of Levi who has certain privileges in the synagogue service

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012