
[ lawft, loft ]
See synonyms for loft on
  1. a room, storage area, or the like within a sloping roof; attic; garret.

  2. a gallery or upper level in a church, hall, etc., designed for a special purpose: a choir loft.

  1. a hayloft.

  2. an upper story of a business building, warehouse, or factory, typically consisting of open, unpartitioned floor area.

  3. such an upper story converted or adapted to any of various uses, as quarters for living, studios for artists or dancers, exhibition galleries, or theater space.

  4. Also called loft bed . a balcony or platform built over a living area and used especially for sleeping.

  5. Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. an attic.

  6. Golf.

    • the slope of the face of the head of a club backward from the vertical, tending to drive the ball upward.

    • the act of lofting.

    • a lofting stroke.

  7. the resiliency of fabric or yarn, especially wool.

  8. the thickness of a fabric or of insulation used in a garment, as a down-filled jacket.

verb (used with object)
  1. to hit or throw aloft: He lofted a fly ball into center field.

  2. Golf.

    • to slant the face of (a club).

    • to hit (a golf ball) into the air or over an obstacle.

    • to clear (an obstacle) in this manner.

  1. to store in a loft.

  2. Shipbuilding. to form or describe (the lines of a hull) at full size, as in a mold loft; lay off.

  3. Archaic. to provide (a house, barn, etc.) with a loft.

verb (used without object)
  1. to hit or throw something aloft, especially a ball.

  2. to go high into the air when hit, as a ball.

Origin of loft

before 1000; Middle English lofte (noun), late Old English loft<Old Norse lopt upper chamber or region, the air, sky. See lift

Other words from loft

  • loftless, adjective
  • un·der·loft, noun
  • well-lofted, adjective

Words Nearby loft Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use loft in a sentence

  • She should not show panic because of the mysterious noise in the loft of the abandoned Carter house.

  • Frank climbs up the tall ladder to the loft, which is the second story of the barn, and throws down the hay.

    Seven O'Clock Stories | Robert Gordon Anderson
  • I sawed off the upper four feet carefully, and stowed the remainder back in the loft.

    The Idyl of Twin Fires | Walter Prichard Eaton
  • I had rather sleep upon a pallet in a loft, by myself, than in the handsomest room in the house, with her for a room-mate.

    Alone | Marion Harland
  • So alarmed were we for our safety that we crossed that night into a third valley and slept in the loft of a horse-barn.

British Dictionary definitions for loft


/ (lɒft) /

  1. the space inside a roof

  2. a gallery, esp one for the choir in a church

  1. a room over a stable used to store hay

  2. an upper storey of a warehouse or factory, esp when converted into living space

  3. a raised house or coop in which pigeons are kept

  4. sport

    • (in golf) the angle from the vertical made by the club face to give elevation to a ball

    • elevation imparted to a ball

    • a lofting stroke or shot

  1. sport to strike or kick (a ball) high in the air

  2. to store or place in a loft

  1. to lay out a full-scale working drawing of (the lines of a vessel's hull)

Origin of loft

Late Old English, from Old Norse lopt air, ceiling; compare Old Danish and Old High German loft (German Luft air)

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