Neanderthal man

  1. a member of an extinct subspecies of powerful, physically robust humans, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, that inhabited Europe and western and central Asia c100,000–40,000 b.c.

Origin of Neanderthal man

First recorded in 1860–65 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Neanderthal man in a sentence

  • Silently each Neanderthal man stepped behind a trunk of one of the trees lining the path.

    Warrior of the Dawn | Howard Carleton Browne
  • One hundred thousand years of human life in Europe produced nothing higher than Neanderthal man.

  • Neanderthal man had originally entered Europe when the climate was much milder than it is in our own time.

    Ancient Man in Britain | Donald A. (Donald Alexander) Mackenzie
  • One wonders what the Neanderthal man would have thought of a de luxe 4-room outfit, or complete home, for $198.

    The Perfect Gentleman | Ralph Bergengren
  • The brain of Neanderthal man was known to be of large size even when estimated from the original skullcap of the Neanderthal type.

    Men of the Old Stone Age | Henry Fairfield Osborn

British Dictionary definitions for Neanderthal man

Neanderthal man

  1. a type of primitive man, Homo neanderthalensis, or H. sapiens neanderthalensis, occurring throughout much of Europe in late Palaeolithic times: it is thought that they did not interbreed with other early humans and are not the ancestors of modern humans

Origin of Neanderthal man

C19: from the anthropological findings (1857) in the Neandertal, a valley near Düsseldorf, Germany

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