
[ verb oh-ver-rahyd; noun oh-ver-rahyd ]
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verb (used with object),o·ver·rode, o·ver·rid·den, o·ver·rid·ing.
  1. to prevail or have dominance over; have final authority or say over; overrule: to override one's advisers.

  2. to disregard, set aside, or nullify; countermand: to override the board's veto.

  1. to take precedence over; preempt or supersede: to override any other considerations.

  2. to extend beyond or spread over; overlap.

  3. to modify or suspend the ordinary functioning of; alter the normal operation of.

  4. to ride over or across.

  5. to ride past or beyond.

  6. to trample or crush; ride down.

  7. to ride (a horse) too much.

  8. Fox Hunting. to ride too closely behind (the hounds).

  1. a commission on sales or profits, especially one paid at the executive or managerial level.

  2. budgetary or expense increase; exceeding of an estimate: work stoppage because of cost overrides.

  1. an ability or allowance to correct, change, supplement, or suspend the operation of an otherwise automatic mechanism, system, etc.

  2. an auxiliary device for such modification, as a special manual control.

  3. an act of nullifying, canceling, or setting aside: a congressional override of the president's veto.

  4. Radio and Television Slang. something that is a dominant or major facet of a program or series, especially something that serves as a unifying theme: an entertainment series with a historical override.

Origin of override

before 900; Middle English overriden to ride over or across, Old English oferrīdan.See over-, ride

Words Nearby override

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use override in a sentence

  • Then, as now, high prices led to consumption; for vanity likes to override obstacles.

    Catherine de' Medici | Honore de Balzac
  • In intellect he was the king's superior, but he allowed George's prejudices to override his convictions.

  • If he had given way to Slaughter he was not going to allow any one else to override him.

    Colonial Born | G. Firth Scott
  • The Bosnian showed his eagerness by an evident determination to override all suggested difficulties.

  • But it was not inclined to admit in practice that the British Constitution could override its own particular interests.

    The Evolution of Sinn Fein | Robert Mitchell Henry

British Dictionary definitions for override


/ (ˌəʊvəˈraɪd) /

verb-rides, -riding, -rode or -ridden (tr)
  1. to set aside or disregard with superior authority or power

  2. to supersede or annul

  1. to dominate or vanquish by or as if by trampling down

  2. to take manual control of (a system that is usually under automatic control)

  3. to extend or pass over, esp to overlap

  4. to ride (a horse) too hard

  5. to ride over or across

  1. a device or system that can override an automatic control

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