
[ red-wood ]

  1. any of the three extant tree species of the coniferous subfamily Sequoioideae, specifically the giant sequoia, coast redwood, and dawn redwood.

  2. the valuable brownish-red timber of the coast redwood or giant sequoia, the harvesting of which is strictly regulated.

  1. a red or reddish wood.

  2. any of various trees yielding a red or reddish wood.

  3. any tree whose wood produces a red dyestuff.

  1. made of red or reddish wood, especially that of the coast redwood or giant sequoia, the harvesting of which is strictly regulated: a six-piece set of redwood furniture for the patio.

Origin of redwood

First recorded in 1610–20; red1 + wood1

Other definitions for redwood (2 of 2)


or red·wud

[ red-wood ]

  1. raving mad; insane.

  2. distracted with anger; furious.

Origin of redwood

First recorded in 1550–60; red1 + wood2 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use redwood in a sentence

  • People carelessly call these grand trees "redwoods" or "big trees," but their family name is Sequoia, an Indian chief's name.

    Stories of California | Ella M. Sexton
  • The robin, who comes to city gardens in the winter, has a summer home in the mountains or redwoods.

    Stories of California | Ella M. Sexton
  • Two or three kinds of tree-squirrels live in the pines and redwoods, the Douglas squirrel being well known in the mountains.

    Stories of California | Ella M. Sexton

British Dictionary definitions for redwood


/ (ˈrɛdˌwʊd) /

  1. a giant coniferous tree, Sequoia sempervirens, of coastal regions of California, having reddish fibrous bark and durable timber: family Taxodiaceae . The largest specimen is over 120 metres (360 feet) tall: See also sequoia

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