
[ rob ]
See synonyms for rob on
verb (used with object),robbed, rob·bing.
  1. to take something from (someone) by unlawful force or threat of violence; steal from.

  2. to deprive (someone) of some right or something legally due: They robbed her of her inheritance.

  1. to plunder or rifle (a house, shop, etc.).

  2. to deprive of something unjustly or injuriously: The team was robbed of a home run hitter when the umpire called it a foul ball. The shock robbed him of his speech.

  3. Mining. to remove ore or coal from (a pillar).

verb (used without object),robbed, rob·bing.
  1. to commit or practice robbery.

Idioms about rob

  1. rob Peter to pay Paul, to take something from one person or thing to pay one's debt or hypothetical debt to another, as to sacrifice one's health by overworking.

Origin of rob

First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English robben, from Old French robber, from Germanic; compare Old High German roubōn.See reave1

synonym study For rob

1. Rob, rifle, sack refer to seizing possessions that belong to others. Rob is the general word for taking possessions by unlawful force or violence: to rob a bank, a house, a train. A term with a more restricted meaning is rifle, to make a thorough search for what is valuable or worthwhile, usually within a small space: to rifle a safe. On the other hand, sack is a term for robbery on a huge scale during war; it suggests destruction accompanying pillage, and often includes the indiscriminate massacre of civilians: to sack a town or district.

Other words for rob

Other words from rob

  • un·robbed, adjective

Words that may be confused with rob

Other definitions for Rob (2 of 2)

[ rob ]

  1. a male given name, form of Robert. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use rob in a sentence

  • He lived for some time as a bandit, robbing the subjects of the King of Gath, who had given him shelter.

    God and my Neighbour | Robert Blatchford
  • Certainly Valerie deserved to conquer the ill health that was robbing her of so much of the zest of living.

  • These worthy women would think they were robbing their dear village if they bought the least thing in Edinburgh.

    Friend Mac Donald | Max O'Rell
  • Do you suppose for an instant that I am robbing these people here in Newport merely for the vulgar purpose of acquiring money?

    Mrs. Raffles | John Kendrick Bangs
  • Next they held a council of war, the grand object of which was to hit upon some plan of robbing the friends of their new swag.

British Dictionary definitions for rob


/ (rɒb) /

verbrobs, robbing or robbed
  1. (tr) to take something from (someone) illegally, as by force or threat of violence

  2. to plunder (a house, shop, etc)

  1. (tr) to deprive unjustly: to be robbed of an opportunity

Origin of rob

C13: from Old French rober, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German roubōn to rob

Derived forms of rob

  • robber, noun

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