
[ south-west; Nautical sou-west ]

  1. the point or direction midway between south and west. Abbreviation: SW

  2. a region in this direction.

  1. the Southwest, the southwest region of the United States.

  1. lying toward, situated in, or directed toward the southwest.

  2. coming from the southwest, as a wind.

  1. in the direction midway between south and west.

Origin of southwest

before 900; Middle English; Old English sūthwest.See south, west

Other words from southwest

  • southwestern, adjective

Words Nearby southwest Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use southwest in a sentence

  • Samuel Dale, an eminent pioneer in the settlement of the southwest, died in Lauderdale county, Mississippi.

  • It will also certify that he made the pluckiest and most successful hundred-mile run ever pulled off in the southwest.

    Motor Matt's "Century" Run | Stanley R. Matthews
  • In this beautiful quadrangle, one of the most interesting features is the chapel at the southwest corner.

  • Looking away to the southwest, she beheld a sight that made her feel faint with fear.

  • Away off to the southwest a bright light showed briefly—the headlight of a Santa Fe train, he guessed it must be.

    Cabin Fever | B. M. Bower

British Dictionary definitions for southwest (1 of 2)


/ (ˌsaʊθˈwɛst, nautical ˌsaʊˈwɛst) /

  1. the point of the compass or the direction midway between west and south, 225° clockwise from north

  2. (often cap usually preceded by the) any area lying in or towards this direction

adjectiveAlso: southwestern
  1. (sometimes capital) of or denoting the southwestern part of a specified country, area, etc: southwest Italy

  2. situated in or towards the southwest

  1. (esp of the wind) from the southwest

  1. in, to, towards, or (esp of the wind) from the southwest

  • Symbol: SW

Derived forms of southwest

  • southwesternmost, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for Southwest (2 of 2)


/ (ˌsaʊθˈwɛst) /

  1. the Southwest the southwestern part of Britain, esp Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset

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