
[ skwish ]
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verb (used with object)
  1. to squeeze or squash: It's a soft bread, so it's easy to accidentally squish it while cutting.The long ride was going to be uncomfortable, what with having to squish six people into a tiny car.

verb (used without object)
  1. to make a gushing or splashing sound: His soaking wet sneakers squished as he plodded by.I waded out of the river, mud squishing between my toes.

  2. to become squeezed or squashed: The softer containers can squish down when empty, allowing them to take up less space.

  1. to make one's way with a gushing or splashing sound: We said our goodbyes, and she squished away to the bus stop in the rain.

  1. a gushing or splashing sound: I thought I was alone in the woods until I heard the squish of footsteps on wet leaves.

  2. an instance of being squeezed or squashed: The table could seat four people, but it would be a squish.

  1. Slang. a politician, especially a Republican, who is perceived by members of their own party as overly moderate or willing to compromise: His rival in the party claimed he was a squish who cared more about making deals than sticking to his beliefs.

  2. Slang. an intense feeling of infatuation that is not romantic or sexual in nature; a platonic crush: I had such a squish on her when we first met, but luckily it worked out and now she's my best friend.

Origin of squish

First recorded in 1640–50; alteration of squash1

Other words from squish

  • squished, adjective

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use squish in a sentence

  • There was a squishing sound, as of steel entering something soft.

    Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) | James S. De Benneville
  • They pressed forward to the margin of the slough, feet squishing in the deep muck.

    The Record of Currupira | Robert Abernathy
  • He did not answer but continued to watch her footsteps and to feel the dust squishing up between his toes.

    The Valley | Richard Stockham

British Dictionary definitions for squish


/ (skwɪʃ) /

  1. (tr) to crush, esp so as to make a soft splashing noise

  2. (intr) (of mud, etc) to make a splashing noise: the ground squishes as you tread

  1. a soft squashing sound: the ripe peach fell with a squish

Origin of squish

C17: of imitative origin

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