
[ thruhm ]
See synonyms for thrum on
verb (used without object),thrummed, thrum·ming.
  1. to play on a stringed instrument, as a guitar, by plucking the strings, especially in an idle, monotonous, or unskillful manner; strum.

  2. to sound when thrummed on, as a guitar or similar stringed instrument.

  1. to drum or tap idly with the fingers.

verb (used with object),thrummed, thrum·ming.
  1. to play (a stringed instrument, or a melody on it) by plucking the strings, especially in an idle, monotonous, or unskillful manner; strum.

  2. to drum or tap idly on.

  1. to recite or tell in a monotonous way.

  1. an act or sound of thrumming; dull, monotonous sound.

Origin of thrum

First recorded in 1545–55; imitative

Other words from thrum

  • thrummer, noun

Other definitions for thrum (2 of 2)

[ thruhm ]

  1. one of the ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.

  2. thrums, the row or fringe of such threads.

  1. any short piece of waste thread or yarn; tuft, tassel, or fringe of threads, as at the edge of a piece of cloth.

  2. Often thrums .Nautical. short bits of rope yarn used for making mats.

verb (used with object),thrummed, thrum·ming.
  1. Nautical. to insert short pieces of rope yarn through (canvas) and thus give it a rough surface, as for wrapping about a part to prevent chafing.

  2. to furnish or cover with thrums, ends of thread, or tufts.

Origin of thrum

First recorded before 1000; Middle English noun thrum, thrum(m)e, “end-piece (from the warp of a loom)”, Old English -thrum (in tungethrum “ligament of the tongue”), cognate with Old High German drum “end-piece”; akin to Old Norse thrǫmr “brim, edge, verge,” Latin terminus, Greek térma “end” Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use thrum in a sentence

  • Her cheeks were rosy with the happy thrumming of her heart; a delirious beat was in her temples.

    The Last Shot | Frederick Palmer
  • Every rope and shroud was thrumming and screeching in resistance to the fierce weight of the squall.

    Jerry of the Islands | Jack London

British Dictionary definitions for thrum (1 of 2)


/ (θrʌm) /

verbthrums, thrumming or thrummed
  1. to strum rhythmically but without expression on (a musical instrument)

  2. (intr) to drum incessantly: rain thrummed on the roof

  1. to repeat (something) monotonously

  1. a repetitive strumming or recitation

Origin of thrum

C16: of imitative origin

Derived forms of thrum

  • thrummer, noun

British Dictionary definitions for thrum (2 of 2)


/ (θrʌm) textiles /

    • any of the unwoven ends of warp thread remaining on the loom when the web has been removed

    • such ends of thread collectively

  1. a fringe or tassel of short unwoven threads

verbthrums, thrumming or thrummed
  1. (tr) to trim with thrums

Origin of thrum

C14: from Old English; related to Old High German drum remnant, Dutch dreum

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