
[ trek ]
See synonyms for trek on
verb (used without object),trekked, trek·king.
  1. to travel or migrate slowly or with difficulty, often through rough or unsettled territory: He managed to escape from a Siberian labor camp and trekked to Iran, a three-year journey.

  2. to hike long distances as a recreational activity, especially over rough terrain: He's trekked through the Himalayas and summited Mt. Kilimanjaro.

  1. to make a short but difficult trip on foot: We trekked back to our hotel in the pouring rain.

  2. South Africa. to travel by ox wagon.

verb (used with object),trekked, trek·king.
  1. South Africa. (of a draft animal) to draw (a vehicle or load).

  1. a slow or difficult journey, hike, or trip.

  2. South Africa.

    • a migration or expedition, especially by ox wagon.

    • a stage of such a journey, between one stopping place and the next.

Origin of trek

First recorded in 1845–50; from Afrikaans and Dutch noun trek “a tug, pull, march”; verb from Afrikaans trek “to draw, pull, migrate,” from Dutch trekken

Other words from trek

  • un·trekked, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for trek


/ (trɛk) /

  1. a long and often difficult journey

  2. Southern African a journey or stage of a journey, esp a migration by ox wagon

verbtreks, trekking or trekked
  1. (intr) to make a trek

  2. (tr) Southern African (of an ox, etc) to draw (a load)

Origin of trek

C19: from Afrikaans, from Middle Dutch trekken to travel; related to Old Frisian trekka

Derived forms of trek

  • trekker, noun

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