Triple Entente

  1. an informal understanding among Great Britain, France, and Russia based on a Franco-Russian military alliance (1894), an Anglo-French entente (1904), and an Anglo-Russian entente (1907). It was considered a counterbalance to the Triple Alliance but was terminated when the Bolsheviks came into control in Russia in 1917.

  2. the member nations of this entente. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Triple Entente in a sentence

  • How many thousand secret friends to the Triple Entente do you suppose knew of it half an hour after it happened?

    The Dark Star | Robert W. Chambers
  • And we might establish a Triple Entente until you find some Argive Helen to quadruple it.

    The Dark Star | Robert W. Chambers
  • England might well smirk as she uttered blessings on the Triple Entente, for has she not borne the brand of perfidy for centuries?

    What Germany Thinks | Thomas F. A. Smith
  • They knew that she would strike when she felt that she was readiest and her opponents of the Triple Entente were least ready.

    Foch the Man | Clara E. Laughlin
  • Whether the Triple Entente was content with blandishments alone history will show later.

British Dictionary definitions for Triple Entente

Triple Entente

  1. the understanding between Britain, France, and Russia that developed between 1894 and 1907 and counterbalanced the Triple Alliance of 1882. The Entente became a formal alliance on the outbreak of World War I and was ended by the Russian Revolution in 1917

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