
[ wenz, hwenz ]

  1. contraction of when is:When's the show over?

  2. contraction of when does:When's the next train leave?

  1. contraction of when has:When's he ever been an authority?

usage note For when's

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use when's in a sentence

  • My life has been based on 'whens;' and first they have turned to 'ifs,' and then they have vanished away.

    Wives and Daughters | Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
  • After a moment he asked: Whens that furniture of yours coming?

    Full-Back Foster | Ralph Henry Barbour
  • Fro whens cometh thyn inyquyte, but of a fals wylle, plunged in thabysme of avaryce.

    Historical Parallels, vol 2 of 3) | Arthur Thomas Malkin
  • If ye lay me 'longside that girl wi' the gooc—goeeldy hair, I'll stan' someat stiff at the 'Kite's Nest' whens we get hic—'ome.

    Gwen Wynn | Mayne Reid
  • Of which men schulden gladly herken and enquere with al here herte, to wyte, what is penitence, and whens is cleped penitence?

    The English Novel | Sidney Lanier