
[ rang-guhl ]
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verb (used without object),wran·gled, wran·gling.
  1. to argue or dispute, especially in a noisy or angry manner.

verb (used with object),wran·gled, wran·gling.
  1. to argue or dispute.

  2. to tend or round up (cattle, horses, or other livestock).

  1. to obtain, often by contrivance or scheming; wangle: He wrangled a job through a friend.

  1. a noisy or angry dispute; altercation.

Origin of wrangle

1350–1400; Middle English, apparently <Low German wrangeln, frequentative of wrangen to struggle, make an uproar; akin to wring

Other words for wrangle

Other words from wrangle

  • outwrangle, verb (used with object), out·wran·gled, out·wran·gling.
  • un·wran·gling, adjective

Words that may be confused with wrangle

Words Nearby wrangle

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use wrangle in a sentence

  • The outcome of the wrangle was a purely personal accommodation of an essentially momentary character.

    King Robert the Bruce | A. F. Murison
  • But they only had enough saddle-stock along t' wrangle the bulls—an' I took three uh the best they had.

    Raw Gold | Bertrand W. Sinclair
  • Now if there was anything the good-natured Roly hated, it was to wrangle over a paltry matter like that.

  • Thus was inaugurated a long, disgraceful wrangle that did not cease while life lasted.

    South American Fights and Fighters | Cyrus Townsend Brady
  • He did: that is to say, he was worried and hurried to have the wrangle settled and Charlotte at Aminta's feet.

British Dictionary definitions for wrangle


/ (ˈræŋɡəl) /

  1. (intr) to argue, esp noisily or angrily

  2. (tr) to encourage, persuade, or obtain by argument

  1. (tr) Western US and Canadian to herd (cattle or horses)

  1. a noisy or angry argument

Origin of wrangle

C14: from Low German wrangeln; related to Norwegian vrangla

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012