
[ ey-kinz ]

  1. Zo·ë [zoh-ee], /ˈzoʊ i/, 1886–1958, U.S. playwright.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Akins in a sentence

  • At the bank Akins gave them the directors' room, and Andrew Kelton's papers were produced from his box in the safety vault.

    A Hoosier Chronicle | Meredith Nicholson
  • Mr. Akins returned the papers to the safety box, and when Mrs. Owen and Harwood were alone, she closed the door carefully.

    A Hoosier Chronicle | Meredith Nicholson
  • Mr. Akins, the editor of the Nova Scotia Archives, leans to the other side, so that the two collections supplement each other.

  • Mr. Akins has been for some months at the superintendence of the work, helped by a very industrious assistant, Mr. James Farquhar.

    Acadia | Frederic S. Cozzens