
[ uh-sen-siv ]

  1. ascending; rising.

Origin of ascensive

First recorded in 1640–50; ascens(ion) + -ive

Words Nearby ascensive Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use ascensive in a sentence

  • The simple trial proved a complete success, due, as it appeared to them, to the ascensive power of a cloud of smoke.

  • Does it heat so fast as to keep up the ascensive force without intermission, at twenty-five, or twenty, or ten miles the hour?

    The Philosophy of the Weather | Thomas Belden Butler
  • His main reliance was on the latent heat supposed to be given out during condensation, for his ascensive storm power.

    The Philosophy of the Weather | Thomas Belden Butler
  • What is the ascensive power of an area of atmosphere of 100°?

    The Philosophy of the Weather | Thomas Belden Butler