
[ bloo-per ]
See synonyms for blooper on
  1. Informal. an embarrassing or humorous mistake, as one spoken live over a radio or television broadcast or one recorded during the filming of a movie, television show, etc.: At the end of each season, the cast gathers to watch all the hilarious bloopers that were edited out along the way.

  2. Radio. a receiving set that generates from its antenna radio-frequency signals that interfere with other nearby receivers.

  1. Baseball.

    • Also called bloop, looper, Texas leaguer. a fly ball that carries just beyond the infield, where it is out of catching range for both the infielders and the outfielders, resulting in a hit for the batter.

    • Also blooper ball [bloo-per bawl] /ˈblu pər ˌbɔl/ . a pitched ball that travels in a high arc before deceptively dropping into the strike zone.

Origin of blooper

First recorded in 1925–30; bloop + -er1, originally in reference to a radio receiver that emits bloops

Other words for blooper

Words Nearby blooper Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use blooper in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for blooper


/ (ˈbluːpə) /

  1. informal, mainly US and Canadian a blunder; bloomer; stupid mistake

Origin of blooper

C20: from bloop (imitative of an embarrassing sound) + -er 1

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