
[ kawl-boi ]

  1. a boy or man who summons actors, as from their dressing rooms, shortly before they are due to go on stage.

  2. a bellhop.

  1. Also call boy . a male prostitute who arranges appointments with clients by telephone.

  2. Also call-boy, call boy .Railroads Slang. a railroad employee responsible for ensuring that members of a train crew are on hand for their regular runs and for notifying them of an extra run.

Origin of callboy

First recorded in 1835–45; call + boy Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use callboy in a sentence

  • The call-boy rapped at his dressing-room, and not receiving a reply, opened the door to find the room empty.

    The Fifth String   | John Philip Sousa
  • The call-boy announced Diottis turn; the violinist led Mildred to a seat at the entrance of the stage.

    The Fifth String   | John Philip Sousa
  • Helped by Cline she dressed quickly, hearing no sound from the ante-room until the call-boy bounded in to shout her name.

    Vision House | C. N. Williamson
  • But I managed to do so, and was in my dressing-room when the call-boy entered and informed me a gentleman was waiting to see me.

    Buckskin Mose | Buckskin Mose
  • On arriving there I found the call-boy had brought another street band, which now refused to quit the stage.

    The Mapleson Memoirs, vol I | James H. Mapleson

British Dictionary definitions for callboy


/ (ˈkɔːlˌbɔɪ) /

  1. a person who notifies actors when it is time to go on stage

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