
[ kahr-nal-i-tee ]
See synonyms for carnality on
  1. preoccupation with, or indulgence in, the flesh or the body and its passions and appetites; sensuality: Giving in to the lures of carnality—whether that means porn or real-life promiscuity—is damaging to everyone concerned.

  2. the quality or state of being merely temporal or worldly; lack of spiritual vitality or maturity: Complaints about salary, jealousy, ambition for a reputation, and other forms of carnality show how little we ministers are separated from the world.

Origin of carnality

First recorded in 1400–1450; carnal + -ity
  • Rarely car·nal·ism [kahr-nl-iz-uhm], /ˈkɑr nlˌɪz əm/, car·nal·ness [kahr-nl-nis] /ˈkɑr nl nɪs/ . Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use carnality in a sentence

  • But his love for these forbidden carnalities was always kept within bounds, and only known to a few very particular friends.

    Flora Lyndsay | Susan Moodie
  • "Nostromo" is a long record of treacheries, butcheries and carnalities.

    A Book of Prefaces | H. L. Mencken