cedar chest

  1. a chest made of or lined with cedar, used to store clothing, blankets, etc., especially for protection against moths.

Origin of cedar chest

An Americanism dating back to 1765–75

Words Nearby cedar chest

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use cedar chest in a sentence

  • They were delivered in due time, and packed in a richly-mounted cedar chest, were sent to the royal recipient.

  • Then, while the girls uttered cries of delight, she called Janet and bade her open the cedar chest in the next room.

    Three Margarets | Laura E. Richards
  • She had been planning to look for a certain white wool shawl in the cedar chest near the east window.

    Pollyanna | Eleanor H. Porter
  • There were trunks in one corner, a great many, and a cedar chest.

    Kenny | Leona Dalrymple
  • Now he released it and brought himself upright upon the cedar chest.

    The Rest Hollow Mystery | Rebecca N. Porter