
[ klin-tn ]

  1. De Witt [duh-wit], /də ˈwɪt/, 1769–1828, U.S. political leader and statesman: governor of New York 1817–21, 1825–28 (son of James Clinton).

  2. George, 1739–1812, governor of New York 1777–95, 1801–04: vice president of the U.S. 1805–12.

  1. Sir Henry, 1738?–95, commander in chief of the British forces in the American Revolutionary War.

  2. Hillary (Rodham), born 1947, U.S. politician: senator from New York 2001–2009; secretary of state 2009–2013 (wife of William J. Clinton).

  3. James, 1733–1812, American general in the Revolutionary War (brother of George Clinton).

  4. William J(efferson) "Bill", born 1946, 42nd president of the U.S. 1993–2001.

  5. a city in E Iowa, on the Mississippi River.

  6. a city in central Maryland.

  7. a town in W Mississippi.

  8. a city in central Massachusetts.

  9. a town in S Connecticut.

  10. a male given name.

Words Nearby Clinton Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Clinton in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for Clinton


/ (ˈklɪntən) /

  1. Bill, full name William Jefferson Clinton . born 1946, US Democrat politician; 42nd president of the US (1993–2001)

  2. his wife, Hillary Rodham. born 1947, US Democrat politician and lawyer: first lady (1993–2001); senator (2001–09); secretary of state (2009–13)

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