
[ kluhb ]
See synonyms for club on
  1. a heavy stick, usually thicker at one end than at the other, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel.

  2. a group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose: They organized a computer club.

  1. the building or rooms occupied by such a group.

  2. an organization that offers its subscribers certain benefits, as discounts, bonuses, or interest, in return for regular purchases or payments: a book club; a record club; a Christmas club.

  3. Sports.

    • a stick or bat used to drive a ball in various games, as golf.

  4. a nightclub, especially one in which people dance to popular music, drink, and socialize: Last night we went to all the clubs in town.

  5. a black trefoil-shaped figure on a playing card.

  6. a card bearing such figures.

  7. clubs, (used with a singular or plural verb) the suit so marked: Clubs is trump. Clubs are trump.

  8. Nautical.

    • a short spar attached to the end of a gaff to allow the clew of a gaff topsail to extend beyond the peak of the gaff.

    • a short spar attached to the truck of a mast to support the upper part of a club topsail.

verb (used with object),clubbed, club·bing.
  1. to beat with or as with a club.

  2. to gather or form into a clublike mass.

  1. to unite; combine; join together.

  2. to contribute as one's share toward a joint expense; make up by joint contribution (often followed by up or together): They clubbed their dollars together to buy the expensive present.

  3. to defray by proportional shares.

  4. to hold (a rifle, shotgun, etc.) by the barrel, so as to use the stock as a club.

verb (used without object),clubbed, club·bing.
  1. Informal. to go to nightclubs, especially to dance, drink, and socialize: The students at that university go clubbing every Friday night.

  2. to combine or join together, as for a common purpose.

  1. to attend a club or a club's activities.

  2. to gather into a mass.

  3. to contribute to a common fund.

  4. Nautical. to drift in a current with an anchor, usually rigged with a spring, dragging or dangling to reduce speed.

  1. of or relating to a club.

  2. consisting of a combination of foods offered at the price set on the menu: They allow no substitutions on the club luncheon.

Origin of club

First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English clubbe, from Old Norse klubba; akin to clump

synonym study For club

2, 4. See circle.

Other words for club

Other words from club

  • in·ter·club, adjective
  • su·per·club, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for club


/ (klʌb) /

  1. a stout stick, usually with one end thicker than the other, esp one used as a weapon

  2. a stick or bat used to strike the ball in various sports, esp golf: See golf club (def. 1)

  1. short for Indian club

  2. a group or association of people with common aims or interests: a wine club

    • the room, building, or facilities used by such a group

    • (in combination): clubhouse

  3. a building in which elected, fee-paying members go to meet, dine, read, etc

  4. a commercial establishment in which people can drink and dance; disco: See also nightclub

  5. mainly British an organization, esp in a shop, set up as a means of saving

  6. British an informal word for friendly society

    • the black trefoil symbol on a playing card

    • a card with one or more of these symbols or (when pl) the suit of cards so marked

  7. nautical

    • a spar used for extending the clew of a gaff topsail beyond the peak of the gaff

  8. in the club British slang pregnant

  9. on the club British slang away from work due to sickness, esp when receiving sickness benefit

verbclubs, clubbing or clubbed
  1. (tr) to beat with or as if with a club

  2. (often foll by together) to gather or become gathered into a group

  1. (often foll by together) to unite or combine (resources, efforts, etc) for a common purpose

  2. (tr) to use (a rifle or similar firearm) as a weapon by holding the barrel and hitting with the butt

  3. (intr) nautical to drift in a current, reducing speed by dragging anchor

Origin of club

C13: from Old Norse klubba, related to Middle High German klumpe group of trees, clump, Old English clympre lump of metal

Derived forms of club

  • clubbing, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with club


see join the club.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.