
[ kluhmp ]
See synonyms for: clumpclumped on

  1. a small, close group or cluster, especially of trees or other plants.

  2. a lump or mass

  1. a heavy, thumping step, sound, etc.

  2. Immunology. a cluster of agglutinated bacteria, red blood cells, etc.

  3. a thick extra sole on a shoe.

verb (used without object)
  1. Also clomp [klomp] /klɒmp/ . to walk heavily and clumsily.

  2. Immunology. to gather or be gathered into clumps; agglutinate.

verb (used with object)
  1. to gather or form into a clump; mass.

Origin of clump

First recorded in 1580–90; akin to Dutch klompe “lump, mass,” Old English clympre “lump of metal”

Other words from clump

  • clumpy, clumpish, clumplike, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use clump in a sentence

  • Inside, the best tables went fast, staked out with bourbon bottles clumped in the center of the tablecloths.

  • The watchman clumped along the rubber-matted corridor, flung his weight against that door.

    In the Dark | Ronal Kayser
  • Very feebly the doctor crept up; his cane clumped hollowly on the boards.

    Cursed | George Allan England
  • DeCastros, that gross, terrifying clown of a man, clumped down the ladder from the bridge to defeat the enchantment of the moment.

    The Marooner | Charles A. Stearns
  • The heavy boots clumped on her feet, overhanging branches whipped her face and pulled her hair.

    A Girl Of The Limberlost | Gene Stratton Porter
  • Never saw the beat of her, added Uncle Jabez as he clumped out in his heavy boots.

British Dictionary definitions for clump


/ (klʌmp) /

  1. a cluster, as of trees or plants

  2. a dull heavy tread or any similar sound

  1. an irregular mass: a clump of hair or earth

  2. an inactive mass of microorganisms, esp a mass of bacteria produced as a result of agglutination

  3. an extra sole on a shoe

  4. slang a blow

  1. (intr) to walk or tread heavily

  2. to gather or be gathered into clumps, clusters, clots, etc

  1. to cause (bacteria, blood cells, etc) to collect together or (of bacteria, etc) to collect together

  2. (tr) slang to punch (someone)

Origin of clump

Old English clympe; related to Middle Dutch klampe heap of hay, Middle Low German klampe clamp ², Swedish klimp small lump

Derived forms of clump

  • clumpy, adjective
  • clumpiness, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012