count palatine

noun,plural counts palatine.
  1. (formerly, in Germany) a count having jurisdiction in his fief or province.

  2. Also called earl palatine. English History. an earl or other county proprietor who exercised royal prerogatives within his county.

Origin of count palatine

First recorded in 1590–1600 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use count palatine in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for count palatine

count palatine

nounplural counts palatine history
  1. (in the Holy Roman Empire)

    • originally an official who administered the king's domains or his justice

    • later, a count who exercised royal authority in his own domains

  2. (in England and Ireland) an earl or other lord of a county palatine

  1. (in the late Roman Empire) a palace official who exercised judicial authority

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