
[ kree-cher ]
See synonyms for creature on
  1. an animal, especially a nonhuman: the creatures of the woods and fields; a creature from outer space.

  2. anything created, whether animate or inanimate.

  1. person; human being: She is a charming creature. The driver of a bus is sometimes an irritable creature.

  2. an animate being.

  3. a person whose position or fortune is owed to someone or something and who continues under the control or influence of that person or thing: The cardinal was a creature of Louis XI.

  4. Scot. and Older U.S. Use.Usually the creature . intoxicating liquor, especially whiskey: He drinks a bit of the creature before bedtime.

Origin of creature

First recorded before 1250–1300; Middle English creature, from Late Latin creātūra “act of creating”; see create, -ure Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use creature in a sentence

  • There are great and wonderful works: a variety of beasts, and of all living things, and the monstrous creatures of whales.

  • Men of science strove to read the riddle of life; to guide and to succour their fellow creatures.

    God and my Neighbour | Robert Blatchford
  • We yielded to their wishes and restored the little creatures to the air and waves, their native elements.

  • He knew his fellow-creatures better than most men; knew that inner life which so seldom unfolds itself to unanointed eyes.

  • This had flattered his pride and his fondness for all dumb creatures had made them dear to him beyond his own belief.

    Dorothy at Skyrie | Evelyn Raymond

British Dictionary definitions for creature


/ (ˈkriːtʃə) /

  1. a living being, esp an animal

  2. something that has been created, whether animate or inanimate: a creature of the imagination

  1. a human being; person: used as a term of scorn, pity, or endearment

  2. a person who is dependent upon another; tool or puppet

Origin of creature

C13: from Church Latin crēatūra, from Latin crēare to create

Derived forms of creature

  • creatural or creaturely, adjective
  • creatureliness, noun

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