
[ kyoo ]
See synonyms for cue on
  1. anything said or done, on or off stage, that is followed by a specific line or action: An off-stage door slam was his cue to enter.

  2. anything that excites to action; stimulus.

  1. a hint; intimation; guiding suggestion.

  2. the part a person is to play; a prescribed or necessary course of action.

  3. a sensory signal used to identify experiences, facilitate memory, or organize responses.

  4. Archaic. frame of mind; mood.

verb (used with object),cued, cu·ing.
  1. to provide with a cue or indication; give a cue to; prompt: Will you cue me on my lines?

  2. to insert, or direct to come in, in a specific place in a musical or dramatic performance (usually followed by in or into): to cue in a lighting effect.

  1. to search for and reach (a specific track on a recording) (sometimes followed by up).

Idioms about cue

  1. cue (someone) in, Informal. to inform; give instructions, information, news, etc., to: Cue him in on the plans for the dance.

  2. miss a cue,

    • to fail to respond to a cue.

    • Informal. to miss the point: You could tell by his expression that he had missed a cue.

Origin of cue

First recorded in 1545–55; spelled name of the letter q as an abbreviation (found in acting scripts) of Latin quandō “when”

Other words for cue

Words that may be confused with cue

Other definitions for cue (2 of 3)

[ kyoo ]

  1. a long, tapering rod, tipped with a soft leather pad, used to strike the ball in billiards, pool, etc.

  2. a long, usually wooden stick with a concave head, used to propel the disks in shuffleboard.

  1. a queue or braid of hair worn behind the head.

  2. a queue or file, as of persons awaiting their turn.

verb (used with object),cued, cu·ing.
  1. to tie into a queue.

  2. to strike with a cue.

Origin of cue

First recorded in 1740–50; from French queue “tail,” Old French cöe, coue, from Latin cōda, popular form of cauda “tail”; cf. coward, queue

Other definitions for cue (3 of 3)

[ kyoo ]

  1. the letter Q, q.

Origin of cue

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English cu; conventional adaptation in spelling of the letter name Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use cue in a sentence

  • Do I understand that billiard cues have also taken to hunger-striking?

  • But, while we have time, tell me my cues, for I share your opinion of the Duke of Alva.

    The Ghost Breaker | Charles Goddard
  • At 14, I wasn't super-sure what a wizard was supposed to sound like, but I could take my cues from the movies and novels.

    Little Brother | Cory Doctorow
  • The facts are very questionable, but we have no other cues for determining that menstruation is taking place.

    Criminal Psychology | Hans Gross
  • We select the things that we hope or trust are cues to meaning.

    How We Think | John Dewey

British Dictionary definitions for cue (1 of 2)


/ (kjuː) /

    • (in the theatre, films, music, etc) anything spoken or done that serves as a signal to an actor, musician, etc, to follow with specific lines or action

    • on cue at the right moment

  1. a signal or reminder to do something

  1. psychol the part of any sensory pattern that is identified as the signal for a response

  2. the part, function, or action assigned to or expected of a person

verbcues, cueing or cued
  1. (tr) to give a cue or cues to (an actor)

  2. (usually foll by in or into) to signal (to something or somebody) at a specific moment in a musical or dramatic performance: to cue in a flourish of trumpets

  1. (tr) to give information or a reminder to (someone)

  2. (intr) to signal the commencement of filming, as with the word "Action!"

Origin of cue

C16: probably from name of the letter q, used in an actor's script to represent Latin quando when

British Dictionary definitions for cue (2 of 2)


/ (kjuː) /

  1. billiards snooker a long tapered shaft with a leather tip, used to drive the balls

  2. hair caught at the back forming a tail or braid

  1. US a variant spelling of queue

verbcues, cueing or cued
  1. to drive (a ball) with a cue

  2. (tr) to twist or tie (the hair) into a cue

Origin of cue

C18: variant of queue

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