
[ dash ]
See synonyms for: dashdasheddashing on Thesaurus.com

verb (used with object)
  1. to strike or smash violently, especially so as to break to pieces: He dashed the plate into smithereens against the wall.

  2. to throw or thrust violently or suddenly: to dash one stone against another.

  1. to splash, often violently; bespatter (with water, mud, etc.): He recovered consciousness when they dashed water in his face.

  2. to apply roughly, as by splashing: to dash paint here and there on the wall.

  3. to mix or adulterate by adding another substance: to dash wine with water.

  4. to ruin or frustrate (hopes, plans, etc.): The rain dashed our hopes for a picnic.

  5. to depress; dispirit: The failure dashed his spirits.

  6. to confound or abash: His rejection dashed and humiliated him.

verb (used without object)
  1. to strike with violence: The waves dashed against the cliff.

  2. to move with violence; rush: The horses dashed out of the burning stable.

  1. a small quantity of anything thrown into or mixed with something else: a dash of salt.

  2. a hasty or sudden movement; a rush or sudden onset: They all made a dash for the door.

  1. the mark or sign (—) used to note an abrupt break or pause in a sentence or hesitation in an utterance, to begin and end a parenthetic word, phrase, or clause, to indicate the omission of letters or words, to divide a line, to substitute for certain uses of the colon, and to separate any of various elements of a sentence or series of sentences, as a question from its answer.

  2. the throwing or splashing of liquid against something: the dash of the waves against the dock.

  3. the sound of such splashing: The dash of the waves on the beach could be heard from afar.

  4. spirited action; vigor in action or style; élan: The dancer performed with spirit and dash.

  5. Track. a short race: a 100-yard dash.

  6. Telegraphy. a signal of longer duration than a dot, used in groups of dots, dashes, and spaces to represent letters, as in Morse code.

  7. a hasty stroke, especially of a pen.

  8. Archaic. a violent and rapid blow or stroke.

Verb Phrases
  1. dash off,

    • to hurry away; leave: I must dash off now.

    • Also dash down . to write, make, accomplish, etc., hastily: We dashed off a letter to announce the news.He dashed down a memo.

Idioms about dash

  1. cut a dash, to make a striking impression; be ostentatious or showy.

Origin of dash

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English verb dashen, daishen, dassen “to strike violently (as with a weapon)”; perhaps from Old Norse; compare Danish daske “to slap, flap,” Swedish daska “to slap (with an open hand)”; the noun is derivative of the verb

synonym study For dash

10. See rush1.

Other words for dash

Words Nearby dash

Other definitions for dash (2 of 3)

[ dash ]

verb (used with object)Chiefly British.
  1. to damn (usually used as an interjection).

Origin of dash

First recorded in 1790–1800; euphemism based on d—n, printed form of damn

Other definitions for dash (3 of 3)

[ dash ]

  1. a tip, bribe, or recompense.

verb (used with object)
  1. to give a tip or bribe to (especially a government employee).

Origin of dash

First recorded in 1780–1790; perhaps alteration of dashee “gratuity, gift, tip,” used on the African coast along the Gulf of Guinea

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use dash in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for dash (1 of 3)


/ (dæʃ) /

verb(mainly tr)
  1. to hurl; crash: he dashed the cup to the floor; the waves dashed against the rocks

  2. to mix: white paint dashed with blue

  1. (intr) to move hastily or recklessly; rush: he dashed to her rescue

  2. (usually foll by off or down) to write (down) or finish (off) hastily

  3. to destroy; frustrate: his hopes were dashed

  4. to daunt (someone); cast down; discourage: he was dashed by her refusal

  1. a sudden quick movement; dart

  2. a small admixture: coffee with a dash of cream

  1. a violent stroke or blow

  2. the sound of splashing or smashing: the dash of the waves

  3. panache; style: he rides with dash

  4. cut a dash See cut (def. 33)

  5. the punctuation mark , used singly in place of a colon, esp to indicate a sudden change of subject or grammatical anacoluthon, or in pairs to enclose a parenthetical remark

  6. the symbol (–) used, in combination with the symbol dot (·), in the written representation of Morse and other telegraphic codes: Compare dah

  7. athletics another word (esp US and Canadian) for sprint

  8. informal short for dashboard

Origin of dash

Middle English dasche, dasse

British Dictionary definitions for dash (2 of 3)


/ (dæʃ) /

  1. informal a euphemistic word for damn (def. 1), damn (def. 2)

British Dictionary definitions for dash (3 of 3)


/ (dæʃ) Western African /

  1. a gift, commission, tip, or bribe

  1. to give (a dash) to someone

Origin of dash

C16: perhaps from Fanti

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for dash


A punctuation mark (—) used to indicate a sudden break in thought, to set off parenthetical material, or to take the place of such expressions as that is and namely: “He's running for reelection — if he lives until then”; “Very few people in this class — three, to be exact — have completed their projects”; “She joined the chorus for only one reason — she loves to sing.” In the last example, where the parenthetical material comes at the end of the sentence rather than in the middle, a colon could be used instead of the dash.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.