
[ siv-uh-luh-zey-shuhn ]
See synonyms for civilization on
  1. an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.

  2. those people or nations that have reached such a state.

  1. any type of culture, society, etc., of a specific place, time, or group: Greek civilization.

  2. the act or process of civilizing, as by bringing out of a savage, uneducated, or unrefined state, or of being civilized: Rome's civilization of barbaric tribes was admirable.

  3. cultural refinement; refinement of thought and cultural appreciation: The letters of Madame de Sévigné reveal her wit and civilization.

  4. cities or populated areas in general, as opposed to unpopulated or wilderness areas: The plane crashed in the jungle, hundreds of miles from civilization.

  5. modern comforts and conveniences, as made possible by science and technology: After a week in the woods, without television or even running water, the campers looked forward to civilization again.

Origin of civilization

First recorded in 1765–75; from French civilisation; see civilize, -ation

word story For civilization

Civilization entered the English language in the mid-18th century with the meaning “the act or process of bringing out of a savage or uneducated state.” In this preimperialistic age of exploration, it was popular to view people from less-developed lands as barbaric and in great need of cultural edification. As political scientist and historian Anthony Pagden wrote in a 1988 paper, 18th-century social theory held that a civilization was “the optimum condition for all mankind.” He continued that “only the civilized can know what it is to be civilized,” pointing out the implicit elitism of this concept. As imperialism boomed in the 19th century, this meaning of civilization gained popularity, but today it is considered narrow-minded, except when used in a historical context.
Once a nation, culture, or group of people has been brought out of the “savage” darkness into an enlightened and advanced state, it becomes a civilization. This sense arose about the same time, but without the imperialistic undertones attached to the original meaning of the word. When used with a modifier, it refers to the civilization of a specific region ( European civilization, French civilization ), people ( Mayan civilization ), or period of time ( modern civilization ).
In the early 19th century, speakers of English started using civilization to mean cities or populated areas in general—that is, places where civilizations are located. This word is applied as well to the comforts and conveniences associated with populated areas, so that today we might use civilization to describe what we have left behind if we go camping in the wilderness and have no cellphone coverage.

Other words from civilization

  • civ·i·li·za·tion·al, adjective
  • de·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun
  • hy·per·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun
  • in·ter·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun
  • o·ver·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun
  • post·civ·i·li·za·tion, adjective
  • pre·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun
  • sub·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun
  • su·per·civ·i·li·za·tion, noun

Words Nearby civilization Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use civilization in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for civilization



/ (ˌsɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən) /

  1. a human society that has highly developed material and spiritual resources and a complex cultural, political, and legal organization; an advanced state in social development

  2. the peoples or nations collectively who have achieved such a state

  1. the total culture and way of life of a particular people, nation, region, or period: classical civilization

  2. the process of bringing or achieving civilization

  3. intellectual, cultural, and moral refinement

  4. cities or populated areas, as contrasted with sparsely inhabited areas, deserts, etc

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