
[ dy-mah or, English, doo-mah, dyoo- for 1, 2; doo-muhs, dyoo- for 3 ]

  1. A·le·xan·dre [a-lek-sahn-druh], /a lɛkˈsɑ̃ drə/, "Dumas père", 1802–70, and his son, Alexandre (“Dumas fils”), 1824–95, French dramatists and novelists.

  2. Jean-Bap·tiste An·dré [zhahn-ba-teestahn-drey], /ʒɑ̃ baˈtist ɑ̃ˈdreɪ/, 1800–84, French chemist.

  1. a town in N Texas.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Dumas in a sentence

  • Dumas states that the husk of oats sometimes yields as much as five or six per cent.

    Domestic Animals | Richard L. Allen
  • The spirit of the great Dumas, one feels, must haunt this Place: for it is peopled with ghosts from his brave romances.

    A Wanderer in Paris | E. V. Lucas
  • Besides being a great novelist, M. Dumas was a most kind and generous man—kind both to human beings and to animals.

  • It would have been more to the purpose if he had said, ‘Monsieur Dumas, may I incommode you with my monkey and my parrot?’

  • So when the keeper made young Dumas a present of Pyramus, he thought he had better bestow Cartouche on him as well.

British Dictionary definitions for Dumas


/ (French dymɑ) /

  1. Alexandre (alɛksɑ̃drə), known as Dumas père. 1802–70, French novelist and dramatist, noted for his historical romances The Count of Monte Cristo (1844) and The Three Musketeers (1844)

  2. his son, Alexandre, known as Dumas fils. 1824–95, French novelist and dramatist, noted esp for the play he adapted from an earlier novel, La Dame aux camélias (1852)

  1. Jean-Baptiste André (ʒɑ̃batist ɑ̃dre). 1800–84, French chemist, noted for his research on vapour density and atomic weight

  2. Marlene. born 1953, South African painter; especially of expressionist portraits and nudes

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