
[ kol-inz ]

noun(often initial capital letter)
  1. a tall drink made with gin, whiskey, rum, or vodka, and lemon or lime juice, soda water, and sugar.

Origin of collins

First recorded in 1940–45; after the proper name Collins

Other definitions for Collins (2 of 2)

[ kol-inz ]

  1. Edward Trowbridge "Eddie", 1887–1951, U.S. baseball player.

  2. Michael, 1890–1922, Irish revolutionist and patriot.

  1. Michael, 1930–2021, U.S. astronaut.

  2. William, 1721–59, English poet.

  3. (William) Wil·kie [wil-kee], /ˈwɪl ki/, 1824–89, English novelist. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use collins in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for collins (1 of 2)


/ (ˈkɒlɪnz) /

  1. a tall fizzy iced drink made with gin, vodka, rum, etc, mixed with fruit juice, soda water, and sugar

Origin of collins

C20: probably after the proper name Collins

British Dictionary definitions for Collins (2 of 2)


/ (ˈkɒlɪnz) /

  1. Michael. 1890–1922, Irish republican revolutionary: a leader of Sinn Féin; member of the Irish delegation that negotiated the treaty with Great Britain (1921) that established the Irish Free State

  2. (William) Wilkie. 1824–89, British author, noted particularly for his suspense novel The Moonstone (1868)

  1. William. 1721–59, British poet, noted for his odes; regarded as a precursor of romanticism

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