
[ ef-ing-ham ]

  1. a town in central Illinois.

Words Nearby Effingham

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Effingham in a sentence

  • The next year he was appointed to the Effingham, a new frigate building at Philadelphia.

  • He waited, however, in vain; he saw the Effingham and the whole fleet sail—no Mr. Hartley arrived.

  • They were now riding through a vast wood, and Phineas found himself delightfully established by the side of Violet Effingham.

    Phineas Finn | Anthony Trollope
  • General Effingham lived long enough to hear the Earl declare that his lot was the happier of the two.

    Phineas Finn | Anthony Trollope
  • But he did not recognise the propriety of sacrificing Violet Effingham even for work so good as this.

    Phineas Finn | Anthony Trollope