
[ elk ]

noun,plural elks, (especially collectively) elk for 1, 2.
  1. Also called European elk. the moose, Alces alces.

  2. Also called American elk, wapiti. a large North American deer, Cervus canadensis, the male of which has large, spreading antlers.

  1. a pliable leather used for sport shoes, made originally of elk hide but now of calfskin or cowhide tanned and smoked to resemble elk hide.

  2. (initial capital letter) a member of a fraternal organization (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ) that supports or contributes to various charitable causes.

Origin of elk

before 900; Middle English; Old English eolc,eolh; cognate with German Elch (Old High German el(a)ho), Latin alcēs,Greek álkē

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British Dictionary definitions for elk


/ (ɛlk) /

nounplural elks or elk
  1. a large deer, Alces alces, of N Europe and Asia, having large flattened palmate antlers: also occurs in North America, where it is called a moose

  2. American elk another name for wapiti

  1. a stout pliable waterproof leather made from calfskin or horsehide

Origin of elk

Old English eolh; related to Old Norse elgr, Old High German elaho, Latin alcēs, Greek alkē, elaphos deer

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