
[ em-bluhm ]
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  1. an object or its representation, symbolizing a quality, state, class of persons, etc.; symbol: The olive branch is an emblem of peace.

  2. a sign, design, or figure that identifies or represents something: the emblem of a school.

  1. an allegorical picture, often inscribed with a motto supplemental to the visual image with which it forms a single unit of meaning.

  2. Obsolete. an inlaid or tessellated ornament.

verb (used with object)
  1. to represent with an emblem.

Origin of emblem

1400–50; late Middle English <Latin emblēma inlaid or mosaic work <Greek émblēma something put on, equivalent to em-em-2 + blêma something thrown or put; compare embállein to throw in or on

Other words for emblem

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use emblem in a sentence

  • Flowers and fruits may be the emblems of future beatitude; and a loaf, of the bread of life or of the holy eucharist.

    The Catacombs of Rome | William Henry Withrow
  • The emblems on his monument are a branch of beech, a winged A, a wreathed snake and a lamp.

  • Andrea turns to his knights, and leaving the room with them points to the flag bearing thePg 224 block and axe as emblems.

    Frdric Mistral | Charles Alfred Downer

British Dictionary definitions for emblem


/ (ˈɛmbləm) /

  1. a visible object or representation that symbolizes a quality, type, group, etc, esp the concrete symbol of an abstract idea: the dove is an emblem of peace

  2. an allegorical picture containing a moral lesson, often with an explanatory motto or verses, esp one printed in an emblem book

Origin of emblem

C15: from Latin emblēma raised decoration, mosaic, from Greek, literally: something inserted, from emballein to insert, from ballein to throw

Derived forms of emblem

  • emblematic or emblematical, adjective
  • emblematically, adverb

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