


[ ev-uhnz ]


  1. Sir Arthur John, 1851–1941, English archaeologist.
  2. Dame Edith, 1888–1976, English actress.
  3. Herbert Mc·Lean [m, uh, -, kleyn], 1882–1971, U.S. embryologist and anatomist.
  4. Janet, born 1971, U.S. swimmer.
  5. Mary Ann. Eliot, George.
  6. Maurice, 1901–1989, U.S. actor and producer, born in England.
  7. Oliver, 1755–1819, U.S. inventor: constructed the first high-pressure steam engine in the U.S. 1801?.
  8. Rob·ley Dun·gli·son [rob, -lee , duhng, -gl, uh, -s, uh, n], Fighting Bob, 1846–1912, U.S. admiral.
  9. Ru·dulph [roo, -duhlf], 1878–1960, U.S. sculptor.
  10. Walker, 1903–75, U.S. photographer.
  11. William John Bill, 1929–80, U.S. jazz pianist.
  12. Mount, a mountain in N central Colorado, in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. 14,264 feet (4,348 meters).


/ ˈɛvənz /


  1. EvansSir Arthur (John)18511941MBritishHISTORY: archaeologist Sir Arthur ( John ). 1851–1941, British archaeologist, whose excavations of the palace of Knossos in Crete provided evidence for the existence of the Minoan civilization
  2. EvansEdith (Mary Booth), Dame18881976FBritishTHEATRE: actress Dame Edith ( Mary Booth ). 1888–1976, British actress
  3. EvansSir Geraint (Llewellyn)19221992MWelshMUSIC: operatic baritone Sir Geraint ( Llewellyn ). 1922–92, Welsh operatic baritone
  4. EvansHerbert McLean18821971MUSMEDICINE: anatomistSCIENCE: embryologist Herbert McLean. 1882–1971, US anatomist and embryologist; discoverer of vitamin E (1922)
  5. Mary Ann. real name of (George) Eliot
  6. EvansOliver17551819MUSTECHNOLOGY: engineer Oliver. 1755–1819, US engineer: invented the continuous production line and a high-pressure steam engine
  7. EvansWalker19031975MUSARTS AND CRAFTS: photographer Walker. 1903–75, US photographer, noted esp for his studies of rural poverty in the Great Depression


/ ĕvənz /

  1. American biologist who discovered vitamin E in 1922 and conducted research that led to the discovery of the growth hormone in the pituitary gland.



