
[ fawls-hood ]
See synonyms for falsehood on Thesaurus.com
  1. a false statement; lie.

  2. something false; an untrue idea, belief, etc.: The Nazis propagated the falsehood of racial superiority.

  1. the act of lying or making false statements.

  2. lack of conformity to truth or fact.

  3. Obsolete. deception.

Origin of falsehood

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English falsehead, falshede; see origin at false, -hood

synonym study For falsehood

1. Falsehood, fib, lie, untruth refer to something untrue or incorrect. A falsehood is a statement that distorts or suppresses the truth, in order to deceive: to tell a falsehood about one's ancestry in order to gain acceptance. A fib denotes a trivial falsehood, and is often used to characterize that which is not strictly true: a polite fib. A lie is a vicious falsehood: to tell a lie about one's neighbor. An untruth is an incorrect statement, either intentionally misleading (less harsh, however, than falsehood or lie) or arising from misunderstanding or ignorance: I'm afraid you are telling an untruth.

Other words for falsehood

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use falsehood in a sentence

  • He had seen through her as if she had been made of glass; he had penetrated her artifices and detected her falsehoods.

    St. Martin's Summer | Rafael Sabatini
  • I could not help at the meeting threatening to horsewhip J. Price for the falsehoods that he with the others had reported.

  • Let us suppose we were told that the whole book—facts, reason, folly, and falsehoods—was divinely inspired and literally true.

    God and my Neighbour | Robert Blatchford
  • For his wifes and childrens sake he is sorely tempted to commit fraud, to tell falsehoods, and obtain illicit gains.

  • Perhaps to keep up the illusion, to colour the raw facts; to help her to false ideas, while yet not plainly stating falsehoods?

    Tales and Fantasies | Robert Louis Stevenson

British Dictionary definitions for falsehood


/ (ˈfɔːlsˌhʊd) /

  1. the quality of being untrue

  2. an untrue statement; lie

  1. the act of deceiving or lying

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