first lieutenant

  1. an officer ranking next above second lieutenant and next below a captain.

Origin of first lieutenant

First recorded in 1775–85 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use first lieutenant in a sentence

  • In a few minutes the first-lieutenant reappeared, with one or two others of the gun-room mess, who greeted him most cordially.

    Newton Forster | Captain Frederick Marryat
  • “Silence there, fore and aft—every man to his station,” cried the first-lieutenant, through his speaking trumpet.

    Newton Forster | Captain Frederick Marryat
  • “Gather in on the lee main-tack, my lads,” said the first-lieutenant, going to the lee gangway to see the duty performed.

    Newton Forster | Captain Frederick Marryat
  • I thank you, sir,” replied the first-lieutenant, seriously; “you will excuse me: it is time to beat to quarters.

    Newton Forster | Captain Frederick Marryat
  • Captain Carrington thanked Newton for his assistance, and acknowledged his error to the first-lieutenant.

    Newton Forster | Captain Frederick Marryat

British Dictionary definitions for first lieutenant

first lieutenant

  1. the officer responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of a warship, esp the executive officer of a smaller ship in the Royal Navy

  2. an officer holding commissioned rank in the US Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, or in certain other forces, senior to a second lieutenant and junior to a captain

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