
[ fish-er ]
See synonyms for fisher on
  1. any animal that catches fish for food.

  2. a fisherman.

  1. a dark-brown or blackish marten, Martes pennanti, of northern North America.

  2. the fur of this animal.

Origin of fisher

before 900; Middle English fisscher fisherman, Old English fiscere.See fish, -er1

Other definitions for Fisher (2 of 2)

[ fish-er ]

  1. Andrew, 1862–1928, Australian statesman, born in Scotland: prime minister 1908–09, 1910–13, 1914–15.

  2. Dorothy Can·field [kan-feeld], /ˈkænˌfild/, Dorothea Frances Canfield Fisher, 1879–1958, U.S. novelist.

  1. Irving, 1867–1947, U.S. political economist.

  2. Saint John "John of Rochester", c1469–1535, English Roman Catholic prelate and humanist: executed for treason.

  3. John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher of Kil·ver·stone [kil-ver-stuhn], /ˈkɪl vər stən/, 1841–1920, British admiral.

  4. M(ary) F(rances) K(ennedy), 1908–92, U.S. culinary author. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for fisher (1 of 2)


/ (ˈfɪʃə) /

  1. a person who fishes; fisherman

  2. Also called: pekan

    • a large North American marten, Martes pennanti, having thick dark brown fur

    • the fur of this animal

  1. fisher of men an evangelist

British Dictionary definitions for Fisher (2 of 2)


/ (ˈfɪʃə) /

  1. Andrew . 1862–1928, Australian statesman, born in Scotland: prime minister of Australia (1908–09; 1910–13; 1914–15)

  2. Saint John . ?1469–1535, English prelate and scholar: executed for refusing to acknowledge Henry VIII as supreme head of the church. Feast day: June 22

  1. John Arbuthnot 1st Baron Fisher of Kilverstone. 1841–1920, British admiral; First Sea Lord (1904–10; 1914–15); introduced the dreadnought

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