
[ frey-zer ]

  1. James Earle, 1876–1953, U.S. sculptor.

  2. (John) Malcolm, 1930–2015, Australian political leader: prime minister 1975–83.

  1. Peter, 1884–1950, New Zealand statesman, born in Scotland: prime minister 1940–49.

  2. Simon, 1776–1862, Canadian explorer and fur trader, born in the U.S.

  3. a river in SW Canada, flowing S through British Columbia to the Pacific. 695 miles (1,119 km) long.

  4. a town in SE Michigan.

  5. a male given name.

Words Nearby Fraser Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Fraser in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for Fraser (1 of 2)


/ (ˈfreɪzə) /

  1. a river in SW Canada, in S central British Columbia, flowing northwest, south, and west through spectacular canyons in the Coast Mountains to the Strait of Georgia. Length: 1370 km (850 miles)

British Dictionary definitions for Fraser (2 of 2)


/ (ˈfreɪzə) /

  1. (John) Malcolm . born 1930, Australian statesman; prime minister of Australia (1975–83)

  2. Peter . 1884–1950, New Zealand statesman, born in Scotland; prime minister (1940–49)

  1. Simon . (1776–1862), Canadian explorer: explored British Columbia and the river which was named after him

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