
[ fril ]
See synonyms for frill on
  1. a trimming, as a strip of cloth or lace, gathered at one edge and left loose at the other; ruffle.

  2. something resembling such a trimming, as the fringe of hair on the chest of some dogs.

  1. affectation of manner, style, etc.

  2. something superfluous.

  3. Photography. wrinkling or loosening of an emulsion at the edges, usually due to excessively high temperature during developing.

verb (used with object)
  1. to trim or ornament with a frill or frills.

  2. to form into a frill.

verb (used without object)
  1. Photography. (of an emulsion) to become wrinkled or loose.

Origin of frill

First recorded in 1585–95; origin uncertain

Other words from frill

  • friller, noun
  • un·frill, verb (used with object) Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use frill in a sentence

  • Vital deigned to show himself, dressed entirely in black cloth, with a splendid frilled shirt adorned with one diamond.

    Unconscious Comedians | Honore de Balzac
  • Mrs. Whelan's frilled cap and pipe looked out for a moment and then disappeared again.

    Little Miss Peggy | Mrs. Molesworth
  • His summons was answered by an alert young woman in a frilled cap and apron.

    And So They Were Married | Florence Morse Kingsley
  • A fearsome change came over the countenance of the respectable young person in the frilled apron.

    And So They Were Married | Florence Morse Kingsley
  • In her pink cotton frock, and blooming like a rose in the shade of her frilled pink sunbonnet, Sheba was fair to see.

British Dictionary definitions for frill


/ (frɪl) /

  1. a gathered, ruched, or pleated strip of cloth sewn on at one edge only, as on garments, as ornament, or to give extra body

  2. a ruff of hair or feathers around the neck of a dog or bird or a fold of skin around the neck of a reptile or amphibian

  1. (often capital) a variety of domestic fancy pigeon having a ruff of curled feathers on the chest and crop: Full name: oriental frill

  2. photog a wrinkling or loosening of the emulsion at the edges of a negative or print

  3. (often plural) informal a superfluous or pretentious thing or manner; affectation: he made a plain speech with no frills

  1. (tr) to adorn or fit with a frill or frills

  2. to form into a frill or frills

  1. (intr) photog (of an emulsion) to develop a frill

Origin of frill

C14: perhaps of Flemish origin

Derived forms of frill

  • frilliness, noun
  • frilly, adjective

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