
[ glohb ]
See synonyms for globe on
  1. Usually the globe . the planet Earth.

  2. a planet or other celestial body.

  1. a sphere on which is depicted a map of the earth (terrestrial globe ) or of the heavens (celestial globe ).

  2. a spherical body; sphere.

  3. anything more or less spherical, as a lampshade or a glass fishbowl.

  4. a golden ball traditionally borne as an emblem of sovereignty; orb.

verb (used with object),globed, glob·ing.
  1. to form into a globe.

verb (used without object),globed, glob·ing.
  1. to take the form of a globe.

Origin of globe

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English, from Middle French globe, from Latin globus “round body, ball, sphere”

synonym study For globe

1. See earth.

Other words from globe

  • globe·like, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for globe


/ (ɡləʊb) /

  1. a sphere on which a map of the world or the heavens is drawn or represented

  2. the globe the world; the earth

  1. a planet or some other astronomical body

  2. an object shaped like a sphere, such as a glass lampshade or fish-bowl

  3. Australian, NZ and Southern African an electric light bulb

  4. an orb, usually of gold, symbolic of authority or sovereignty

  1. to form or cause to form into a globe

Origin of globe

C16: from Old French, from Latin globus

Derived forms of globe

  • globelike, adjective

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